2019 Kids Moon Club Opening to New Members Soon!
The Kids Moon Club was designed with the help of nature, inspiring families to connect, celebrate, play and walk together through all the full moons of the year. The Kids Moon Club opens for new members at the end of November. Sign up below to be the first to know when we officially open the doors.

We live in a world that seems to require staying endlessly busy. As parents, we are often one step ahead of ourselves, tumbling through the day. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. We have the power to step back, realign and sync up with a different pace, one that perfectly matches the pace of childhood, the rhythm of the moon.
More than a membership, The Kids Moon Club is a year-long journey and community tied not to keeping up, but to looking up. This experience was designed with the help of nature, inspiring families to connect, celebrate, play and walk together through all twelve full moons of 2019.

The Kids Moon Club is a journey and experience designed by Nicolette Sowder of Wilder Child. At the start of the January 2019 lunar cycle, and every new moon throughout the year, Club members will gain access to a new Full Moon Collection delivered digitally. There is a themed digital Collection for each full moon of the lunar year. All Collections contain art activities, stories, recipes and more! The Club includes everything you need to inspire your moon child, throw twelve magical full moon celebrations, and connect throughout the month.
Take a Peek Inside
These aren’t worksheets or cookie-cutter printables, each collection is filled with meaningful, creative content designed to align your family with a more natural rhythm, have fun and turn towards each other.
Each digital Collection contains:
- Lunar calendar
- Full moon history
- Moondala
- Phenology wheel and guide
- Full Moon Forest story and map
- Lunar art activity
- Moon treat/recipe
- Zentangle coloring sheet
- Resources & support for emotional growth component
- Book & song playlist

Get On Moon Time
Every lunar cycle runs from new moon to new moon. Each Collection begins with Moondala’s to help your Moon Kids set intentions, a lunar calendar to track phases of the moon and a phenology wheel that is completed piece by piece throughout the lunar year to encourage connection with your local environment.
Everything You Need to Throw 12 Cosmically Cool Celebrations
Moon treats, song lists, stories, games, art ideas – everything you need to throw 12 magical full moon parties. I even provide decorations to get everyone ready to celebrate the moon. The Kids Moon Club will help you create a new tradition, inviting family and friends to celebrate the full moon with you!

12 Full Moon Forest Stories
The Full Moon stories are the narrative thread that connects the entire year-long Kid’s Moon Club adventure. Each lunar month, your Moon walk beside Luna and Orion as they traverse the Full Moon Forest discovering the magic, mystery and helping to move the moon forward on its path through acts of kindness. You will receive a new chapter of the story and a watercolor each lunar month.

BONUS! Private Online Community
This is one of the most exciting aspects of The Kid’s Moon Club. Not only will you circle in and bask in the light of your Moon Kids, but you will also be celebrating the full moon with other families all over the world! I will also lead Live Videos every month in the private group where we will dive deeper into each full moon and share ideas on how to get more out of The Club.
What Families Are Saying…
Oh the magic our family has encountered as we’ve journeyed through the year with the Kids Moon Club! I couldn’t have anticipated the impact it would have on us. We have cultivated rituals that will connect us for a lifetime. We now look forward to gathering and setting intentions together though art, celebrating what has manifested at the time of the full moon, and tuning in to each other as we connect with the lunar rhythm. This journey has helped us cultivate intention, wonder, curiosity, exploration, & magic.
- Diana J.I just have had an overwhelming feeling of need to say the adventure of the Kids Moon Club has been such a gigantic blessing on our home. We have set a peaceful rhythm (most days), both adults and kids have become more adventurous, inquisitive, thirsty for all the universe has to offer. Watching each other, appreciating each other, getting vulnerable with each other, experiencing real life with each other. I thank you for being our guiding light, our ever faithful moon beam of moon club discovery!
- Stephanie NThe Kids Moon Club has been one of the most grounding things we’ve done this year. We have intentionally tracked the seasons, learned to recognize how our planet’s position in space and our individual positions on earth affect our culture and daily life. It’s helped us to identify themes in life’s seasons. I’m especially thankful for the book recommendations; they’ve been great fodder for discussion.
- Anduin M.My kids love The Kids Moon Club so much. One night, the moon had not risen before they went to bed and my 5yr old was so sad to miss it. He looked out the window by his bed and repeated “pink moon, pink moon” over and over in his most excited voice. He even calls the oak tree by our house now grandmother oak. It makes my heart so full. Thank you for this beautiful offering you have created.
- Jessica K.Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of the Kids Moon Club?
$9.95 a month for 12 months and you can cancel any time, $8.95 a month for an upfront, one time payment and discounts for groups of 5+ families. Please contact me at info@wilderchild.com for school or co-op pricing.
Can I sign up at any time?
Unfortunately, the Kids Moon Club will only open once a year. Make sure you secure your spot by December 16, 2019. The Club was created as a year-long journey and coming in mid-cycle would not align with the rhythm of the experience.
What age do you recommend the Kids Moon Club for?
I believe there is something special for all ages in the Kids Moon Club, but 5+ would be the ideal age. Siblings, friends, parents, grandparents and neighbors joining in makes The Club a more valuable experience.
Is this appropriate for families in the Southern Hemisphere?
The full moon falls on the same day all over the world (how powerful is that!). In that sense, it will still be a fun, creative and connected journey in terms of helping families align, get in rhythm and learn about what is emerging in other places around the world. However it might not match up exactly with your biome. And this may be something that gets developed next year.
What is a Full Moon Collection?
A Moon Collection is a DIGITAL BUNDLE made available to all Kids Moon Club members on the first day of the new moon. The new moon is different each month. Each Collection focuses on the Full Moon for that cycle. It can be downloaded, printed and enjoyed throughout the lunar cycle, culminating in a Full Moon Celebration.
Is the Kids Moon Club for homeschoolers or schoolers?
The Kids Moon Club is a unique resource for both homeschoolers and schoolers. We wanted this to be a way for children and their families to connect with nature irrespective of their educational path.
Do I have to be on Facebook to be in the Kids Moon Club?
It is not required, but the community and creativity of Moon Club Members cannot be denied! Sharing with this amazing community in a private Facebook group adds dimension and deepens the experience. The live videos will also be hosted in Facebook.
Can I cancel?
The Kids Moon Club is best experienced as a full year journey, but I understand that your needs may change throughout the year. If you have paid for the month by month option, you can cancel your monthly membership at any time, but I don’t issue refunds once an individual monthly Moon Collection becomes available. There are also no refunds on the one time payment for the entire year. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at info@wilderchild.com.